Doreen gave me a Charley Harper jigsaw puzzle for my birthday and we will have it to work on here at the shop. The cats at home make it difficult to work on puzzles there. It is one of his famous ones of birds in flight, really lovely.
Enough about me. The sheep that I had started to construct of squares to copy an entralac pattern has presented more difficulties than I wish to deal with and so I am using that brown and black fabric to make a purse, what else? A friend brought a lovely entralac purse in last evening and gave me the inspiration to do it. You will see the finished product on the next blog.
That picture of a bunch of little things might give you ideas for gifts; pin cushions in shapes of humbugs or hearts, hearts used for sachets or little purses, or small purses for coins or phones or whatever.
I finally put straps on the purse that goes with the felted hat I did several months back. I have included them both to show you how nice they are. The strap for the bag is a leather shoe string. I purchased a couple pair from Meijers and use one that picks up the yellow in the purse but I also got some brown ones to use sometime.
If you felt the purse, you can go ahead and punch holes in it where you want the straps and string them through. I used knitting needles to punch the holes.
We went for a ride this morning before coming into the shop. We went up along 315 then over to Riverside and down to Leatherlips Park before heading back to Powell. The color is so great this year and we saw some beautiful trees. God paints these lovely murals for us and we need to thank Him and sing praises. Go forth and spread His love to all you meet. Love to all. Elaine
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