Thursday, October 1, 2009

October, the greatest month

Yes, I do like the Fall and the month of October the best. Maybe it is because I was born the middle of this month but I really think that the colors and smell of the month speak to me. There was even some frost on the grass this morning. And I could start to wear clothes that are favorites.

Notice that the purse I am showing has Fall colors and notice also that I even lined it. My first lined purse. I used two yarns, the wool and silk combo and a marled wool.
The Tibet yarn is a little difficult to weave because it catches on itself. I love the effect it gives and have used it for coasters. Makes great ones.
Here is an idea for Christmas presents, eight four by four pieces in pairs and felted. They make very good and pretty coasters. I included the picture of those also

I am showing you a series of five pieces that follow the way two different yarns can be woven to get different effects. In looking at them left to right: the first is totally the plain yarn; next I warped with it and then wove with the multi; the
middle one was warped twice with the plain and then finished warping and weaving with the multi; the fourth piece was warped with the multi and woven with the plain;

the final piece was all the multi. I find the different looks can be combined to make purses, scarves or whatever.

I just had a very pleasant hour with one of my "weavers" who has had a rough couple of months but is up and around now. She shared the afghan she has been working on and we discussed how she will complete it. It is made up of many colorful pieces and is quite beautiful. I ask her to share it with us when she finishes it. I love to see what each of you are accomplishing with your weaving.

It is so lovely outside, sun and clear sky. Take a walk, breathe in the fresh air and smile. We are so blessed, let us give thanks. Elaine

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