I promised you last time to show examples of the patterns that can be woven into the pieces on the loom. Several years ago Licia Conforti compiled a variety of patterns in a book called Modular Textures. It is a collection of patterns for the handheld looms she also sells. The patterns are given for each size of loom called Weavette or Weave-It and are fun to use.
I have had the book for sale but unless she gets my order sent to me I am out of stock. I have tried to get new ones since July but have not received them.. I would not be so enthusiastic about them if I did not think that they are great fun to work with.
The ones I have pictured are presented both with front and back views. Some of them look just as nice on the back as the front, I will let you be the judge. I also have woven just the top part of the four by six piece with the pattern and left the remainder with plain weave so you can see the difference and how they look side by side. I like combining the patterned pieces with the plain for contrast. Using two colors also looks nice, warping with one color then weaving with a second. It is fun to experiment.
As usual, I am finding new ways to make scarves, oh my, and a friend, Erin, showed me a pattern she graphed. She is very tech and used her computer to do it. I will show mine to you when I finish it. On this date fifty-seven years ago I gave birth to our first child, Doreen. How fortunate I am to have her lead me into working and playing with yarn. Since many of the ones in the shop, me included, have Fall birthdays we are setting aside the week of October 13th through the 18th for our Birthday Sale. Come in and see what we have put on sale and surely the books will be in by then.
A lot is going on in the sport world this weekend and at least around Columbus the weather is very, very nice for it. Hopefully, Tiger will continue to do well today and tomorrow and the OSU fans will wake up with smiles on their faces tomorrow. You keep a smile on your face always and make someone you meet a little happier too. God bless you and your loved ones. Elaine
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