Time to talk weaving. The pieces shown here are to illustrate the use of two yarns. I like the results of using two but some yarns work together better than others. I have worked with these two yarns in several different ways. The yarns are Tibet, a 60% wool and 40% recycled silk, and the other is Sheep Shop, a 100% wool. The colors go so well together and they make a very nice fabric. I intend to make another purse and will picture it in a couple of weeks.
When I said "different ways" I was referring to how I used them for warping and weaving. One can be used for the warp and the other for the weft or use one for two of the warps and then continue finishing the warp and weaving with the other. I even warped one layer with one then continued the next two warpings with the other then go back to the first to weave.
Does that make sense to you? The drawback to doing this is that you are left with ends to be woven back in to neaten it up. The results will be to have slightly different looks and weights to the pieces. I also did some with a pattern of "furrows" from the book I am still trying to get back in stock. I have called this woman so many times that I feel like a stalker. Unfortunately, she is the only source for them.
The other picture that is included this week is a purse from some Noro yarn. I really love the variety of colors on the ball. When weaving with the four by four inch loom each piece seems to be a different color. Lynda had brought in a pair of handles that worked with the way I had put the pieces together. I wanted to make the bag larger but had lost the remainder of yarn I was using and hated to start on another ball. The purse could be turned inside out for a rougher look. It depends on the joining.
By the way, the joining I am using now for scarves is very fun and gives a very nice look. I haven't found it in any book so I guess I can claim it as mine. I have taught it to some of my weavers and they really like it. Easy to do.
Time to get this finished so Doreen can put the pictures on it. Come in to see me and show me what you are doing. Keep cheerful, smile a lot, love what you do and
show others that you care about them. God bless us all. Elaine